Impact Investing


Mark is pictured with Dr. Hazel Henderson and Nick Parker in 2020. Nick is one of the leading environmental capitalists on the planet. He coined the “Cleantech” term in 2001 with Mark, who was a Founding Investor in the Cleantech Group.

Hazel was Mark’s mentor since 1994. She was perhaps the most respected environmental economist and sustainable business futurist of the last 40 years.

Mark has been a part of the impact investment space since 1989. He has been one of the pioneers defining the space over the last 33 years. This led to the seminal co-creation of the Cleantech term, and Cleantech investment thesis, in 2001, in collaboration with Nick Parker and Keith Raab, who he backed as a Founding Investor of the Cleantech Group. Beyond the Cleantech Group being the leading global convener of sustainability and climate tech investors, for over a decade, Mark concurrently solely founded a $100M+ pure-play Cleantech venture fund, which was one of the defining funds of the pioneering Cleantech era.

Mark’s seminal work in the socially responsible investment space since 1989 led him to be the youngest person accepted into the Social Venture Network, which was the leading organization globally in responsible business and ethical investment.

In 1996, Mark is pictured with Dr. Hazel Henderson - one of the most important impact investing pioneers and "green" economists of the last 50 years. Mark managed Hazel's (and Dr. Alan Kay's) assets for many years, since Hazel was one of his key life mentors and earliest collaborators for good. Hazel also introduced Mark to his long-time collaborator Barbara Marx Hubbard. Hazel passed away on May 22, 2022 at the age of 89.